First Locomotive Pack Sale
Mark Your Calendar: June 19th 1pm EST (17:00 UTC)

What is Train of the Century?
Train of the Century (ToC) is a new collectible trading card game where a player (Railroader) is able to combine different cards like Locomotives, Rail Cars, Conductors, and more, to create their own train. Having a completed train allows them to conduct railway runs from station to station choosing what freight to load up on, all while earning $TOCIUM, the upcoming WAX-based token. Full game launch is expected in 2022, with early beta access for whitelisted accounts (TBA).
We are so excited to announce that Train of the Century will be doing its first pack sale on June 19th 1pm EST via Atomic Hub. These pack will contain Train of the Century Locomotive NFTs.
Locomotives are the backbone of ToC. Easily the most important card in the game. They provide the power source to your train to be able to make rail runs. Without a Locomotive your train goes nowhere. Locomotives come with attributes including Speed, Distance, Hauling Power, Conductor Threshold, and Fuel Type. As a Railroader you’ll need to strategize what Locomotive is best to use depending on the specific run.

Slack Pack

Common: 62%
Uncommon: 23.3%
Rare: 8.5%
Epic: 5%
Legendary: 1%
Mythic: 0.2%
$12 in WAX
Only 300 Packs will be available. Sale begins at 1:00pm.
Max Pack

Common: 62%
Uncommon: 23%
Rare: 8.5%
Epic: 5%
Legendary: 1%
Mythic: 0.5%
$36 in WAX
Only 100 Packs will be available. Sale begins at 1:30pm.
Unpacking will be available at 2:00pm.