Moving Forward

Hey Railroaders,

I come to you today with an update that marks a significant change in the Centuryverse team. It’s about Condcutor Ryan, my co-founder, who many of you know as a foundational part of our journey.

For a while now, Ryan has been on the sidelines of our development process. Though he’s helped me out with little things here, he hasn’t played an active role in the development of Train of the Century for over a year. His departure dawned on me when I completed the front-end portion of the ‘Ops” Update, it became clear that Ryan’s involvement in the project had come to an end. He was unwilling to assist with the backend development, indicating a shift in his focus and priorities.

With this realization, it’s time to officially acknowledge Ryan’s departure from the team. His contributions have been vital to our game’s growth and I am grateful for the work he did for Train of the Century.

Moving Forward

I am excited to officially announce I’ve decided to open-source the front-end code of Centuryverse. This move is designed to invite collaboration and fresh ideas from all corners of our community.

We will maintain a focused approach, continuing to develop a single, cohesive build of the game, rather than pursuing multiple builds as previously discussed.

For those interested in diving into the front-end code, accessing the GitHub repository will be straightforward. Just signal your interest with a Thomas react or drop a mention in the main chat of the discord. I’m excited to see the creative ways you all will contribute to the evolution of the Centuryverse.

Conductor Jake



Train of the Century - NFT Card Game

Become a Railroader, one of the time-traveling entrepreneurs active at the turn of the century—several centuries, the CenturyVerse is ripe with opportunity.